What to do when you're sick?Yes, that's a question that seems to 'cry out' for a fast, reliable, straight answer; particularly if you're laying in bed with a series of unwanted symptoms; like a headache, fever, hacking cough, and the like.Well, I believe I've actually got a straight answer to that question for you; which I shall reveal in this article.In a moment, I'll 'hand you' a list, which has worked beautifully for me and for anyone with whom I've shared it.I'm betting it'll transform you from a sick, aching 'mess,' into a vibrant, healthy you, within 48 to 72 hours.Lets' get to it.I've been sick just twice in the past decade.I believe this is due largely to my belief, and my acting upon, a single statement made early 1900's, Australian physician, Dr.O.L.M.Abramowski (Fruitarian Diet and Physical Rejuvenation)..'There is but one great cause of disease; internal impurity.There is but one cure for disease; the removal of internal dirt! All other attempts at curing disease are but an interference with Nature.'.You can liken your internal body to the plumbing system of a house.Overload it with trash, sticky fats, and the like, and it becomes coagulated with dirt and unwanted pests.It becomes 'backed up.' So much so, that in extreme cases, individual pipes can even leak or burst, causing structural damage to the house itself.Yet keep that same plumbing system clean and it runs efficiently and problem-free for a lifetime.Yet what do most humans do? They dump so many toxins into their house's 'plumbing system' that it enters into a state of toxic overload.It can no longer expel its built-up waste matter AND handle the work being placed upon it to assimilate more 'incoming stuff.'.This, as Dr.Abramowski, pointed out, is the beginning of all disease.An overburdened internal pipe system attracts even more internal dirt.It becomes sluggish.It attracts unwanted parasites.It becomes, as a law of Nature, a target for predation.If you're sick, more than likely, your internal pipe system has become overrun with toxins.They are working their way out via fever, headaches, and other flu-like symptoms.So how do you get them to leave your body entirely, and more quickly?Here's exactly how..First, practice deep breathing.Breathe as much oxygen into your belly possible.Hold for as long as possible.Exhale as long as you can; and repeat.This practice will cause the major organs of your body to perform more efficiently.It will increase oxygen flow to every cell in your body.It will assist in cleansing and purifying the bloodstream.It will even cause muscles and joints to operate more smoothly, as they get an ample supply of oxygen.For more on this technique, read Bragg's excellent Super Power Breathing.Be consistent with the practice.For best results, go for 15 minutes in the morning, and another 15 before bed.Focus your complete attention upon each breath during this exercise.Do not allow other thoughts to enter your mind.If they do, simply observe them without judgement.Then bring your focus back to the breath, gently yet powerfully, moving in and out of your lungs.You'll expel toxins.You'll bring the most vital element to your life, oxygen, to every cell in your body, in a new, powerful way.And you'll feel the difference this can make, immediately.Second, even if you're sick, exercise daily.Practice yoga, do calisthenics, or run.Exercise for at least 15 minutes per day; even if you don't feel like doing so in the moment.Again, you'll draw oxygen to every cell in your body.You'll expel toxins via perspiration and the deeper breathing required by physical activity.Plus, you'll sleep better each night; the exact time in which recovery and restoration take place.Third, stop eating! Animals in the wild do this intuitively.When they become ill, they generally stop all food intake until they regain health.Learn from their example and you'll feel much better, much sooner.Your body cannot expel toxins to the best of its ability if it is being filled with additional material; even if that 'material' is made up of healthy food.On the other hand, a body free of all encumbrances, heals itself far more quickly.70% of your body's energy is used on digesting food.Take away that food, and much more of your energy is used toward 'cleaning house.' Consume raw fruit and vegetable juices but stop all other food intake if ill.You'll be glad you did.Fourth, make sure to be sleeping between the hours of 10 p.M.And 2 a.M.It is during this time that your most powerful recuperative hormones are being released from your brain, into your bloodstream.To make this easy on yourself, practice deep breathing at about 9 p.M.Then follow with 15 to 30 minutes of silent meditation.Then sleep on a comfortable, firm mattress, with the radio and TV off.Try to be sound asleep by 10 p.M.Fifth, think pure thoughts! Do not entertain thoughts of pain, misery, or sickness.To quote J.Allen (As A Man Thinketh), 'Men will continue to have impure and poisoned blood, so long as they propagate unclean thoughts.Out of a clean heart comes a clean life and body.' If you're ill, keep your mind upon thoughts only of vibrant health.Remember, if you're doing the rest of the things outlined in this article, you are expelling toxins---and illness---from your body! This alone should improve your mental outlook.Now, focus upon internal health, rather than sickness, and, 'let the universe handle the details.'.Rest assured that it will.For you are fundamentally attached to that universal intelligence that connects all things.Your thoughts create a vibration that is 'heard' by that intelligence.So make those thoughts count.Think good, pure ones.You'll be glad you did.And finally, drink pure water and Epsom Salt each morning.Take 3 to 4 teaspoons of Epsom Salt (magnesium sulfate); place one at a time into your mouth, and follow each with a glass of pure water.So you'll consume 3 to 4 teaspoons of the salt, and 3 to 4 glasses of water, in all.This process will assist in cleansing your digestive tract, which is precisely where most waste matter, toxins, and parasites are concentrated.Prepare to 'hit the bathroom' off and on, for about an hour after drinking this concoction.Yes, it tastes awful.Yet yes, it works; 'wonders.' So ignore the taste and do it anyway.Thus, if ill, do this. Practice deep breathing.Exercise, even if you don't feel like doing so! Stop eating; drink raw fruit and vegetable juices instead.Be asleep by 10 p.M.Think thoughts of purity and health, not of illness and disease.And finally, drink pure water with Epsom Salts each morning.Remember that there is but one illness known to Man; internal dirt! So focus upon cleaning it out! Do this and you'll be 'on the mend' more quickly than you thought possible.Guaranteed.Jeff Sekerak.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
What To Do When You're Sick (No Matter The Illness)
What to do when you're sick?Yes, that's a question that seems to 'cry out' for a fast, reliable, straight answer; particularly if you're laying in bed with a series of unwanted symptoms; like a headache, fever, hacking cough, and the like.Well, I believe I've actually got a straight answer to that question for you; which I shall reveal in this article.In a moment, I'll 'hand you' a list, which has worked beautifully for me and for anyone with whom I've shared it.I'm betting it'll transform you from a sick, aching 'mess,' into a vibrant, healthy you, within 48 to 72 hours.Lets' get to it.I've been sick just twice in the past decade.I believe this is due largely to my belief, and my acting upon, a single statement made early 1900's, Australian physician, Dr.O.L.M.Abramowski (Fruitarian Diet and Physical Rejuvenation)..'There is but one great cause of disease; internal impurity.There is but one cure for disease; the removal of internal dirt! All other attempts at curing disease are but an interference with Nature.'.You can liken your internal body to the plumbing system of a house.Overload it with trash, sticky fats, and the like, and it becomes coagulated with dirt and unwanted pests.It becomes 'backed up.' So much so, that in extreme cases, individual pipes can even leak or burst, causing structural damage to the house itself.Yet keep that same plumbing system clean and it runs efficiently and problem-free for a lifetime.Yet what do most humans do? They dump so many toxins into their house's 'plumbing system' that it enters into a state of toxic overload.It can no longer expel its built-up waste matter AND handle the work being placed upon it to assimilate more 'incoming stuff.'.This, as Dr.Abramowski, pointed out, is the beginning of all disease.An overburdened internal pipe system attracts even more internal dirt.It becomes sluggish.It attracts unwanted parasites.It becomes, as a law of Nature, a target for predation.If you're sick, more than likely, your internal pipe system has become overrun with toxins.They are working their way out via fever, headaches, and other flu-like symptoms.So how do you get them to leave your body entirely, and more quickly?Here's exactly how..First, practice deep breathing.Breathe as much oxygen into your belly possible.Hold for as long as possible.Exhale as long as you can; and repeat.This practice will cause the major organs of your body to perform more efficiently.It will increase oxygen flow to every cell in your body.It will assist in cleansing and purifying the bloodstream.It will even cause muscles and joints to operate more smoothly, as they get an ample supply of oxygen.For more on this technique, read Bragg's excellent Super Power Breathing.Be consistent with the practice.For best results, go for 15 minutes in the morning, and another 15 before bed.Focus your complete attention upon each breath during this exercise.Do not allow other thoughts to enter your mind.If they do, simply observe them without judgement.Then bring your focus back to the breath, gently yet powerfully, moving in and out of your lungs.You'll expel toxins.You'll bring the most vital element to your life, oxygen, to every cell in your body, in a new, powerful way.And you'll feel the difference this can make, immediately.Second, even if you're sick, exercise daily.Practice yoga, do calisthenics, or run.Exercise for at least 15 minutes per day; even if you don't feel like doing so in the moment.Again, you'll draw oxygen to every cell in your body.You'll expel toxins via perspiration and the deeper breathing required by physical activity.Plus, you'll sleep better each night; the exact time in which recovery and restoration take place.Third, stop eating! Animals in the wild do this intuitively.When they become ill, they generally stop all food intake until they regain health.Learn from their example and you'll feel much better, much sooner.Your body cannot expel toxins to the best of its ability if it is being filled with additional material; even if that 'material' is made up of healthy food.On the other hand, a body free of all encumbrances, heals itself far more quickly.70% of your body's energy is used on digesting food.Take away that food, and much more of your energy is used toward 'cleaning house.' Consume raw fruit and vegetable juices but stop all other food intake if ill.You'll be glad you did.Fourth, make sure to be sleeping between the hours of 10 p.M.And 2 a.M.It is during this time that your most powerful recuperative hormones are being released from your brain, into your bloodstream.To make this easy on yourself, practice deep breathing at about 9 p.M.Then follow with 15 to 30 minutes of silent meditation.Then sleep on a comfortable, firm mattress, with the radio and TV off.Try to be sound asleep by 10 p.M.Fifth, think pure thoughts! Do not entertain thoughts of pain, misery, or sickness.To quote J.Allen (As A Man Thinketh), 'Men will continue to have impure and poisoned blood, so long as they propagate unclean thoughts.Out of a clean heart comes a clean life and body.' If you're ill, keep your mind upon thoughts only of vibrant health.Remember, if you're doing the rest of the things outlined in this article, you are expelling toxins---and illness---from your body! This alone should improve your mental outlook.Now, focus upon internal health, rather than sickness, and, 'let the universe handle the details.'.Rest assured that it will.For you are fundamentally attached to that universal intelligence that connects all things.Your thoughts create a vibration that is 'heard' by that intelligence.So make those thoughts count.Think good, pure ones.You'll be glad you did.And finally, drink pure water and Epsom Salt each morning.Take 3 to 4 teaspoons of Epsom Salt (magnesium sulfate); place one at a time into your mouth, and follow each with a glass of pure water.So you'll consume 3 to 4 teaspoons of the salt, and 3 to 4 glasses of water, in all.This process will assist in cleansing your digestive tract, which is precisely where most waste matter, toxins, and parasites are concentrated.Prepare to 'hit the bathroom' off and on, for about an hour after drinking this concoction.Yes, it tastes awful.Yet yes, it works; 'wonders.' So ignore the taste and do it anyway.Thus, if ill, do this. Practice deep breathing.Exercise, even if you don't feel like doing so! Stop eating; drink raw fruit and vegetable juices instead.Be asleep by 10 p.M.Think thoughts of purity and health, not of illness and disease.And finally, drink pure water with Epsom Salts each morning.Remember that there is but one illness known to Man; internal dirt! So focus upon cleaning it out! Do this and you'll be 'on the mend' more quickly than you thought possible.Guaranteed.Jeff Sekerak.
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