Saturday, August 25, 2012

Candida Yeast Infection Symptoms

Candida Yeast Infection Symptoms

Illness, antibiotics, poor dietary habits and even stress can cause the good bacteria in your body to quickly decline; this allows the Candida Albicans to rapidly multiply, and cause a Yeast Infection.However, these types of infections from Candida Albicans are easily remedied through the use of antifungals.Reestablishing the balance of these microorganisms isn't always as simple as taking a pill.The fact is that the only way to be certain is to have your doctor test a culture.But there are some things you can watch for on your own.A white discharge from your genital region which is also thick.Men can have Yeast Infections just like women.The infections can be passed to and from through intercourse.A thick white discharge coming from the vagina or penis is one of the indications of an Infection.It typically has the consistency of curdled milk or cottage cheese.Severe itchiness in the genital area is also a common symptom.This itching can be intolerable for women.Men often experience a rash that is not raised and is red in color surrounding the penis.This rash usually leads to discomfort and irritation.Sexual intercourse or urinating becomes painful.If it burns or stings when you urinate or have intercourse, it can be a symptom of an Infection.The genitals appear to be swollen and red.Men usually experience soreness on the tip of their penis.Women may endure redness and irritation in their vulva, which may also swell.Candida Yeast Infection Symptoms are generally the same for both genders, however, the road to finding out you have one can be quite different for men and women.Men may carry an Infection with no clue for many months.Symptoms for a man may be so benign that they'll have no reason to believe there is any problem.Here are those mild Candida Yeast Infection Symptoms for males..A rash on your penis or body which is red in color and not raised.You may see this rash in different spots over your body.It could be itchy or it may not bother you at all.It could even be misconceived as a mild allergic reaction to something.Just simply not feeling good, and being tired.In men, the feeling of general illness or lethargy, may be the first in a series of Candida Yeast Infection Symptoms.Low-grade fevers can indicate the presence of a Yeast Infection.This fever may even be along with night sweats that have no apparent cause.You may become sensitive to foods you previously had no problem eating.Women in a committed relationship who have recurrent Yeast Infections may find that their male partners posses the infection without showing any symptoms.The best course of action to take to eliminate Candida Yeast Infection Symptoms is to treat the man and woman at the same time, which will stop them from giving it to each other time and again.

Candida Yeast Infection Symptoms


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