The Fever Series See Thermofocus BV-1500 "5 in 1" Family Fever Thermometer Details
Product Description
Thermofocus is the most advanced, clinically accurate and totally safe device to measure body temperature on the market today.� Convenient and easy to use, Thermofocus uses internationally patented, state-of-the-art Infrared technology.� Indeed, it is the first and only FDA registered �non-contact� medical thermometer.� The device enables the temperature of adults and children to be taken without touching the skin, simply by moving the thermometer close to the forehead at the distance indicated by the device.� With Thermofocus, there is no need to place the thermometer into any part of your or your baby�s body.� A sleeping baby (or patient) will not be awakened when Thermofocus is used nor will they be caused any discomfort by the device if they are awake. This Non-Contact, Totally Hygienic device helps avoid the spread of contact-transferred illnesses from one family member to another or from one patient to another. Measures in Fahrenheit or Centigrade. Recalls previous 9 readings from memory. Extra added features: also measures baby bottle temperature, bath water, food, ambient room temperatures or other surface temperatures. Manufacturer�s 2 year warranty.
- First and only FDA registered ?non-contact? medical thermometer - Totally hygienic
- Fast - Thermometer reading in 1 second!
- Easy to use - One button operation
- Clinically Accurate - Meets or exceeds strict ASTM and CE standards
Thermofocus BV-1500 "5 in 1" Family Fever Thermometer Reviews
The Fever Series : Thermofocus BV-1500 "5 in 1" Family Fever Thermometer Reviews
34 of 36 people found the following review helpful By 22 of 24 people found the following review helpful By BookReviewer (Greensboro, NC) - See all my reviews Essentially one takes temperature by holding down a button and bringing the thermometer towards the surface to read. When the two projected red dots converge, the button is released and an infrared reading is obtained and stored in memory as well. The converged dot ends up being only about 1.5 cm in diameter at the correct reading distance - under an inch and it is not hard to find an area to read. The correct reading distance is about 2 inches away. The manual recommends the central forehead, but I have gotten temperatures matching true core temp a little better by measuring a little to the side in the temporal area, possibly due to better temporal artery perfusion. Note that alternate reading... Read more 14 of 15 people found the following review helpful By |
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