Thursday, July 19, 2012

How Contagious Are Cold Sores - Understanding the Herpes Fever Blister on the Lip

How Contagious Are Cold Sores - Understanding the Herpes Fever Blister on the Lip

There are two questions most people have when they get a cold sore on the lip.The first is when will it disappear and how to get rid of it.The second is at what point is it contagious and how to prevent giving it to another person.There can also be anxiety that one already did give the virus to someone else unknowingly.The herpes cold sore virus is contagious but one thing that is important  to keep in mind is that some experts say that over 80 percent of the population already carries it.However, they say that only 30 percent that are infected will break out in a cold sore for type 1 herpes, which is the cold sore on the lip.Not everyone is susceptible to a herpes cold sore eruption.This is similar to other viruses where someone may be exposed to it but won't actually show symptoms.The cold sore is most contagious when it is an active bump on the lip that goes through the stages of the tingle, sore, crust, scab and often series of re-appearance of the scab due to it opening up.Remember that the lip is vulnerable due to fact we eat and it moves so that it is not the ideal place for a scab to heal.It is important to avoid sharing cups, kissing, sharing forks, using the same toothbrush and other similar ways the virus can be spread during the stages of the the fever blister.This includes the initial tingle as well.The virus lies dormant in someone's body , but this time can make others very vulnerable to it.

How Contagious Are Cold Sores - Understanding the Herpes Fever Blister on the Lip


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