Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Health Consequences Of Alcohol Abuse

Health Consequences Of Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol abuse can have very serious health effects on an individual.Prolonged alcohol abuse can do very serious damage to a person's liver.If alcohol abuse goes unchecked for a long enough period of time, it can actually lead to a person's death.It is important for anyone struggling with an addiction to alcohol to find a quality alcohol detox rehab program.Without the help of medical intervention, it is very unlikely that a person will be able to overcome their addiction to alcohol.Alcohol.There are many different types of alcoholic beverages that individuals can abuse.Liquor, wine and beer are all available in many stores and restaurants around the country.Alcohol is legal, cheap and readily available to people who are over the age of 21.Even though the drinking age is 21, many people start drinking much earlier than that.In fact, most high school students experiment with alcohol at some point during their high school years.This is very dangerous as it can lead to addiction.Alcohol should only be consumed by individuals who are above the legal drinking age.Abuse.Alcohol abuse can have very damaging side effects on an individual's liver.By going through a medical detox process, a person will be able to salvage their liver before permanent damage is done.Without a functioning liver, a person will not be able to live for very long.The liver is responsible for detoxification, protein synthesis and producing certain chemicals that are needed for proper digestion.Liver.If moderation or abstinence is maintained then it is not believed to lead to further liver complications.However, if drinking continues then it will only get worse and can lead to death.Fatty liver happens after acute alcohol ingestion, it is the accumulation of large vacuoles of triglyceride fat on liver cells caused by steatosis.If drinking is curtailed then fatty liver can actually be reversed.Hepatitis.A small percentage of heavy drinkers will develop alcoholic hepatitis.It's important to note that the damage caused by excessive drinking can be reversed if drinking is stopped or moderation ensues.If alcohol continues to be abused there is a fifty percent mortality rate for alcoholic hepatitis.Alcoholic Hepatitis is the inflammation of the liver due to alcohol.This is normally diagnosed by a liver biopsy following common signs of the issue such as a swollen liver, nausea, vomiting, fever and abdominal pain.Developing Cirrhosis.The survival rate for the advanced stages of cirrhosis is not very good.Cirrhosis of the liver is the most serious and final form of alcohol liver disease.It is the cause of many deaths and series illnesses.Cirrhosis is when the cells of the liver are so damaged because of alcohol that they cannot repair themselves.As the live cells die off scar tissue I formed.Once the scar tissue builds up, blood can no longer flow through the liver the way it should.There is not cure for cirrhosis; once the liver cells are damaged they cannot be repaired.

Health Consequences Of Alcohol Abuse


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